Sunday, April 05, 2009


My Brother's Keepers: Kos Blames Police Murders On Conservatives

An idiot once recommended to me a website named "Daily Kos" for deep thinkers like his own special and precious self. Turned out the guy who runs Daily Kos is a hateful little weasel who suggested it would be splendid if Michelle Malkin was killed when she visited Iraq in December 2006. Kos' legion of deep thinkers, towering intellectuals and moral giants that they are, whooped their approval, just as they whooped it up when four American military contractors were murdered, set on fire, ripped apart and their charred bodies were hung from the bridge to Fallujah in Iraq, all before our aforementioned idiot sang Daily Kos' praises to me. So the idiot knew about the slaughter at Fallujah and Kos' sickening dismissal of the desecration of those poor American souls before he fawningly pointed me to his beloved Daily Kos website.

I just want to be painstakingly clear about all that.

Me? I found it all vile and despicable, but I'm the simple, clinging, hateful, thoughtless sort and so must have missed the nuance that imbues deep thinkers with a knowing that I can apparently only dream of comprehending.

Anyway, now that same idiot can fawn over a delightful new screed from his beloved hero Kos, who cavalierly jokes about the deaths of three police officers and accuses conservatives like me of approving. All while ignoring similar atrocities in his own back yard.

How very nice.

Treacher has preserved this for posterity:

"Stupid underhanded creep."

You know who you are.

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