Friday, December 15, 2006


My brother's keepers

A leftard once told me about a really cool website for deep thinkers. Today, the guy who runs that website suggested it would be splendid if Michelle Malkin is killed when she visits Iraq. And his minions are whooping it up in support of that notion, just as they whooped it up when four American contractors were murdered, set on fire, ripped apart and hung from the bridge to Fallujah.

Some of them also hope Malkin will get shot in the face, but by and large they're generally very open-minded about how she eventually gets it:

I’m sure there’s a soldier or two who’d be happy to let her take a turn in a Humvee gun turret. Maybe she can satisfy her self-loathing by capping off a few hundred rounds at some brown folks. And imagine her being able to live what had previously only been the vicarious thrill of having an IED blow up a few yards from her……the BIG BOOM….the luscious scourging of her flesh…..why what more could any right wing woman ask for?
"...the luscious scourging of her flesh..."

What kind of person would write such a thing?

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