Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Fitz Clears Rove; Plame, Wilson Still Traitorous Liars

Bad News For Idiots: Evil Genius Karl Rove has been informed by the Special Prosecutor's office that he will not be facing charges relating to Patrick Fitzgerald's meandering investigation. The New York Times reports today:

The prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case on Monday advised Karl Rove, the senior White House adviser, that he would not be charged with any wrongdoing, effectively ending the nearly three-year criminal investigation that had at times focused intensely on Mr. Rove.

The decision by the prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, announced in a letter to Mr. Rove's lawyer, Robert D. Luskin, lifted a pall that had hung over Mr. Rove who testified on five occasions to a federal grand jury about his involvement in the disclosure of an intelligence officer's identity.

In a statement, Mr. Luskin said, "On June 12, 2006, Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald formally advised us that he does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove."
For all those idiots waiting for Jason Leopold's reality-based predictions to manifest in this universe, the only thing they know for certain today is that they've all been duped by shills, which is what makes them idiots in the first place. I mean, how far ahead of the news-cycle can you get? Leopold now has to either admit he was making things up out of whole cloth or out the source of the lies he has been spreading on behalf of someone else's agenda, because the only thing Jason Leopold can know for certain is that he will now go down in history as not just another discredited Rove-hating crank, but quite deluded and therefore eminently exploitable by a country mile.

Leopold will go down in history as one of America's great early blogging jackasses. That can't be good for him.

Truth, out.

UPDATE: I'm not the only one who thinks Wilson/Plame plaything Larry Johnson has been pillow-talking Leopold.

Also today, President Bush secretly flew into Iraq to meet Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Bush also countered recent news reports and declared himself the new head of Al Qaeda in Iraq, replacing Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, who got his ass blown up last week.

"There's a new sheriff in town," Bush said to a bare-bones press conference in Baghdad's Green Zone, adding that, although he won't be there to manage every aspect of the insurgency, "we have in place over 130,000 deputies across the country who are ready to consult with insurgents twenty-four/seven, if you know what I mean, heh."

Recommended Reading
Decision'08: Top Ten (Themed!) ‘Progressive’ Reactions To The End of Fitzmas
Here: Plame, Wilson Still Traitorous Liars
Protein Wisdom: My sixth brief interview with Karl Rove’s breakfast burrito

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