Saturday, April 22, 2006


The Left's Culture Of Treason

Our present body of knowledge begs to ask what the Clintons know and when they came to know it. Read on.

Wizbang: Media Circling the Wagons Around McCarthy

The Washington Post is already peddling its institutionalized intellectual dishonesty.

Sweetness And Light reports that Dana Priest's husband gets speaking gigs for notorious liar Joe Wilson, is Executive Director of CIP, has ties to, Win Without War, other subversive organizations.

S&L also has figures on Mary and Michael McCarthy's donations to the 2004 Kerry Democrats.

NRO's Mark Levin:
Well, as of this morning (Saturday) most of the big media don't care. They're fixated with the weather and gas prices — and anything else that will divert the public's attention from the stunning revelation that a Sandy Berger crony has apparently been leaking top-secret information from her high post at the CIA. The media will continue to downplay this story as they cover-up their own role in exposing our nation's secrets, including the supposed existence of CIA prisons in Europe. She'll be called a "whistleblower" and praised as some kind of patriot (a patriot, in the eyes of the media, is anybody who undermines this administration and the war effort by leaking national security secrets to them). They will downplay that McCarthy was a Clintonoid who somehow managed to land a top post at the CIA, ultimately winding up in the CIA's Inspector General's Office, from where she could monitor CIA internal investigations of, well, leaks, among other things. (Emphasis mine, and a question: how exactly did she land that top post at the CIA, and who made that decision?)

Blogs For Bush's Mark Noonan:
She was responsible for investigating leaks? For how long? I really, really want to know the exact identity of the person who referred the Plame "leak" to Justice...if it was McCarthy, then we really do have a gigantic criminal conspiracy to undermine American national security...

I've smelled a rat over at CIA ever since 2002 - and I think we might have found it.
Ace Of Spades:
Hillary!'s infamous "a vast right wing conspiracy conspiring against my husband" line was built on fewer connections than this. Lucianne Goldberg knew Linda Tripp; Ann Coulter knew people working for Ken Starr, etc.

Based on those know-someone-who-knows-someone connections, Hillary! made her famous declaration, and -- this is important -- the press actually treated the
accusation as possibly accurate.


Is it time?

DC's mob of liberal Heathers, Cool Girls Who Rule the School, seems to be a very tight little clacque. Clarke. Berger. Clinton. Zinni. Wilson. Plame. Simon. Beers. Priest. McCarthy.

Almost all of them know each other; some of them are even BFF's (Best Friends Forever!).
A.J. Strata: Mary McCarthy Plame Source For Knight Ridder?

In From The Cold has a backgrounder on McCarthy.

This is just beginning. May it be a long, hot summer for these treasonous miscreants.

Oh, yeah: so much for that "exclusively Republican culture of corruption" nonsense. Wear it, pussies.

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