Wednesday, December 02, 2009


The Great Unraveling Continues

The Telegraph's James Delingpole has been all over the global warming scam from day one. Today he brings us up to date in Climategate: it's all unravelling now. Here's a quick rundown:
1. Australia’s Senate rejects Emissions Trading Scheme for a second time. Or: so turkeys don’t vote Christmas.
2. Danes caught fiddling their carbon credits.
3. Hats off to The Daily Express – the first British newspaper to make the AGW scam its front page story.
4. BBC finally gets round to reporting – sort of – that Climatic Research Unit at University of East Anglia may have been up to no good.
5. Legal actions ahoy! Over the next few weeks, one thing we can be absolutely certain of is concerted efforts by the rich, powerful and influential AGW lobby to squash the Climategate story... Lord Monckton has written an indispensible summary of the Climategate revelations so far.
6. Watch out Green Dave! The Independent reports on the growing backlash within the party to Cameron’s libtard-wooing greenery.
Read it all.

Today's Drudge headlines:

PAPER: CLIMATE CHANGE 'FRAUD'...CLIMATEGATE: Scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down...
Penn State Professor also under investigation...
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Probe Potential Scientific 'Conspiracy'...
Australia's Parliament defeats global warming bill...
'It's all unravelling now'...
North Texas Wakes to Big Snowflakes...
Climategate: 'Scientific establishment hopelessly compromised'...
DER SPIEGEL: 'Never before has a speech by President Barack Obama felt as false'...

Just thought I'd throw that last one in 'cause it's so creamy rich.

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