Tuesday, November 17, 2009


My Brother's Keepers: Liberal Fascism On Parade

John Hinderaker at Power Line:

We are beginning to see way too many echoes of the 1930s, as national socialist and Marxian socialist thugs try to drive competing political views off the streets. The worst offenders so far have been the Service Employees’ International Union, which has repeatedly sent its members out into the streets to beat up anyone who isn’t toeing the Obama line on issues like socialized medicine.

Most recently it’s International ANSWER, a hard-core Communist group supported by shadowy funding sources that have never been made public, but appear to consist of a handful of rich people. ANSWER, notwithstanding its unabashedly Communist ideology, now feels comfortable enough to assault non-communist demonstrators who show up in the streets. In this case, the non-communists were protesting illegal immigration, seeking to uphold the nation’s laws, when they were set upon by ANSWER’s thugs:

We conservatives have long talked about our willingness to fight for freedom. In a sense, that's generally been metaphorical, especially when talking about domestic rather than foreign enemies. With the far left now on the march, however, it isn't metaphorical any more. It's just one more sign of the Age of Obama--fighting in the streets, as the extreme Left has been empowered as never before.
But Jonah Goldberg is just a right wing nutjob.

The SEIU's next target? A Boy Scout.


HT Ed Driscoll

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