Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Skunk To Israel: Surrender To Obama's Agenda Or Face Iran's Nukes

Talk about arrogant. I'm sure Bibi is right now reading the headlines and thinking, we'll just see about that.

Rahm Emmanuel's got nothing. Obama's got nothing. Bibi knows it, the Israelis know it, I know it, everyone knows it, because Obama has already telegraphed that he doesn't have the stomach for honest confrontation with a real enemy like ActMadInJihad, and the Iranian leader has punked Obama time and again. So the Israelis can ignore Emmanuel's empty threats. And by empty, I mean monumentally stupid and shallow.

When it comes to telling the Israelis how and when to negotiate with their existential enemies, Obama is a fucking dimestore punk. Look for Bibi to confirm that in the near future.

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