Sunday, April 12, 2009


The Rules Of Non-Engagement

Mark Steyn, able to read idiots' minds:

Obviously, if the United States Navy hanged some eyepatched peglegged blackguard from the yardarm or made him walk the plank, pious senators would rise to denounce an America that no longer lived up to its highest ideals, and the network talking-heads would argue that Plankgate was recruiting more and more young men to the pirates’ cause, and judges would rule that pirates were entitled to the protections of the U.S. constitution and that their peglegs had to be replaced by high-tech prosthetic limbs at taxpayer expense.
John Hinderaker surprises me:

Whatever happens to Captain Phillips, when the immediate crisis is over President Obama should lead an international effort to rid the Indian Ocean of pirates.
I am praying for Captain Phillips, but it would never even occur to Obama to consider what John Hinderaker suggests. President Bush would never have put up with pirates kidnapping Americans, which is why it has never happened until now. In contrast, the Somalis have made Obama their bitch.

Let's hope Captain Phillips doesn't have to pay the price for that.

Wonder how long Americans will put up with a President who surrenders to pirates? Thomas Jefferson, anyone?

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