Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The Real Scandal

No-one better knows the implications of Obama's politically-motivated and dangerous release of the interrogation memos than Andrew C. McCarthy, who is also deeply familiar with the tactics of the terrorist assholes to whom the Idiot-in-Chief is now releasing valuable information. McCarthy explains the consequences of the president's breathtakingly irresponsible decision, and the vapidity of Obama's lie that enhanced interrogation has no place in the War on Terror:

The revelations will make al-Qaeda a more efficient killing machine: better able to resist our efforts to thwart its attacks. Worse, they will paralyze our intelligence community, which now knows that even a presidential assurance complemented by Justice Department guidance and congressional encouragement will not protect agents from second-guessing and possible legal jeopardy a few months or years from now, when vigilance is no longer in fashion and political power has changed hands. To complete the triple play, the disclosures demonstrate to intelligence agents that the commander-in-chief is not to be trusted: He claimed that coercive interrogation tactics beyond the anodyne Army Field Manual measures were being studied to determine whether their authorization might be appropriate; but the revelations make the “study” a hollow gesture — there is nothing to be gained from authorizing tactics the enemy has already been armed against.

...President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are within their right to claim, however implausibly, that their national-security obligations can be satisfied without resorting to enhanced interrogation tactics. But they should forthrightly admit, then, that they are willing to lose the thousands of lives their policy decision may cost. They shouldn’t get to continue spouting the nonsense that tradeoffs between our security and “our values” present “a false choice.” In fact, it’s the choice we’ve trusted them to make, for better or worse.
If Obama wasn't lying through his teeth about his motivation for releasing the memos, they would not have been so heavily redacted to exclude any information about the attacks that were prevented as a direct result of using enhanced interrogation in certain cases. But Obama is lying : it's clear he is setting the table for persecution of Bush Administration officials. It's a classic totalitarian tactic the likes of which have formerly been reserved, as Karl Rove has pointed out, for tin pot dictators and Chicago political thugs, the latter which Obama has already proved to be and the former which he appears determined to emulate.

This president is quickly revealing himself as the prototypical political thug, whose first order of business after taking power is to ruthlessly wipe the field clean of any and all opposition, without regard for the consequences.

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