Thursday, April 23, 2009


Israel Declares Its Terms

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government is forcing the President's Gigantic Cajones on two fronts, declaring that if Opey won't take any concrete (or concrete-busting) action to temper Iran's nuclear threat, Israel will not engage in peace talks with the Palestinians, whose leaders want to destroy Israel as much as the Iranian mullahs do but lack Iran's burgeoning nuclear capabilities for now and use randomly-fired Iranian rockets instead.

This puts President Cajones in the difficult position of having to vote something besides "present." He has to be a Decider. Like any good leftist, his decision will be based on one simple question: who to sell out? Also like any good leftist, the answer will be easy: Israel. There's simply no other possibility: as Gigantic as the President's Cajones are, and don't doubt for a minute that those badboys are deliciously huge (and hugely delicious!), they are mysteriously AWOL when it comes to acting against Iran, whereas they re-appear tanned, rested and ready when it comes to promising Palestinian statehood on behalf of Israel (this is essentially what Obama does; it is in fact what he is and how he was made: an "Obama" is a fascile narcissist who makes promises on behalf of other people, the vast majority of whom it turns out haven't even been born yet).

I'm pretty sure Netanyahu has figured this out already. He knows Obama must rely on Israel to cash any checks he writes to the Palestinians, and he knows Obama knows it. Since Obama has already demonstrated his instincts run not to the best interests of America and her allies but to the best interests of Obama, he will make another predictable decision, which is to attack America's ally rather than its enemy and try to drive Israeli public opinion against Netanyahu (watch for it: townhall meetings starring you-know-who, apologizing for Israel's arrogance, broadcast live on al Jazeera).

There are any number of ways President Cajones could pressure Netanyahu. Who knows: he may threaten to reduce American aid to Israel, or to bring on the Palestinian pitchforks, perhaps, courtesy of Hamas (which is really only a slightly edgier version of ACORN).

Now. Maybe President Cajones is used to having people fawn over him, open every door, mouth "I love you- call me!", spread fragrant petals in his path and all the other niceties that come with being the leader of a political cult. But I'm guessing he hasn't tried his act on Benjamin Netanyahu, who understands that he bears the responsibility not of stroking President Cajones' Gigantic Ego or paying his Gigantic Bills but of protecting Israelis from another Holocaust.

In essence, Netanyahu has sent to the White Castle, in subtle diplomatic prose, the same message then-candidate Cajones communicated to both Hillary Clinton and John McCain via a sophomoric middle finger to the cheek.

Except Netanyahu isn't a sophomoric Chicago pol moron.

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