Monday, March 23, 2009


Obamaisms: The Laughter Spreads

I probably didn't coin it; it's just too obvious for me to have thought of it first. But Ed Morrissey's use of the term "Obamaisms" is the first I've seen it besides here, probably because I've been busy and just haven't noticed, but I'm glad to see it spreading to other blogs, particularly ones with readers. Case in point: Hot Air.

So what was Ed referring to? What else: President-Trainee Obama's Teleprompter, who has taken over the Administration since he was proven to be the brains behind the operation, was having some fun the other day with his punch-drunk front man, and much hilarity ensued:

Now, I'm nothing if not fair-minded, so the policy here at Abu Wabu is to remain as respectful of the new President-Trainee's Teleprompter as my ideological opponents, or as I like to call them, idiots, were toward President Bush, who did not need a teleprompter to act as his personal Edgar Bergen.

Which gives me an idea for another post.

But I digress, so back to the business at hand: How stoooopid can Chimpy McJugEars get?

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