Thursday, March 05, 2009


It's On: Obama Is A Drug Addict

"Obama is a hopped up, self-described cocaine snorter who sees America from Air Force One, who has damned America's future generations with monstrous debt, is a Middle-America-mocking, freedom-of-speech-crushing, opposition-snuffing, cigarette-sucking egomaniac, an anti-business blowhard, a poster boy for Marxism, Fascism and government excess, and in a probably drug-fueled haze (what other explanation could there possibly be?) had his daughters baptized by America-damning race-baiting Chicago religious fraud Jeremiah Wright. I give Obama a wide latitude because he's a drug addict. The real leader of the nation today is an emaciated drug addict with a bully pulpit, Barack "the cocaine addict" Obama."

By way of explaining the above statement, I present the following:

I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, and look - it's sooner:
Joan Walsh of Salon rips Rush Limbaugh as "a thrice-divorced, drug-abusing, Parkinson's-mocking, cigar-sucking egomaniac, a poster boy for meanness, overindulgence and excess." She alleged that at CPAC, Rush was "hopped up."

Timothy Egan, writing in the New York Times, "Polling has found Limbaugh, a self-described prescription-drug addict who sees America from a private jet, to be nearly as unpopular as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who damned America in the way that Limbaugh has now damned the nation’s newly elected leader."

Bill Maher, not too long ago: "I give Rush a wide latitude because he’s a drug addict."

A letter to the editor in Colorado Springs: "When their chosen national committee chairman is forced to publicly kiss the bloated backside of a drug-addicted, anti-American blowhard such as Rush Limbaugh, real Americans are grateful this party is not running or representing our nation."

And the guy who has been talking up Rush as the leader of the party — the guy who shares a daily conference call with White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, CNN commentator James Carville, and ABC News This Week host George Stephanopoulos — Paul Begala: "The real leader of the Republican Party in America today is a corpulent drug addict with an AM radio talk show, Rush Limbaugh."

Here's the thing: If Rush is an "addict", then the President of the United States is a "cokehead."
Goose, meet gander.

This is just the latest example of how idiots trip themselves up with their double standards. Rush was addicted to painkillers, went through rehab and has spoken very forthrightly about it ever since. The Messiah snorted coke but is apparently magically immune from the very same character assassination his fart-smellers lay on Rush.

I remember when I first had to explain the concept of hypocrisy to my son. He was four, and I have never had to revisit the subject with him.

Not coincidentally, he is a fine young man of great integrity who does not suffer fools. Or idiots.

Whereas (employing the aforementioned idiots' collective reasoning) Obama is a hopped up, self-described cocaine snorter who sees America from Air Force One, who has damned America's future generations with monstrous debt, is a Middle-America-mocking, freedom-of-speech-crushing, opposition-snuffing, cigarette-sucking egomaniac, an anti-business blowhard, a poster boy for Marxism, Fascism and government excess, and in a probably drug-fueled haze (what other explanation could there possibly be?) had his daughters baptized by America-damning race-baiting Chicago religious fraud Jeremiah Wright. I give Obama a wide latitude because he's a drug addict. The real leader of this nation today is an emaciated jug-eared drug addict with a bully pulpit, Barack "the cocaine addict" Obama.

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