Wednesday, March 25, 2009



John Zeigler at Big Hollywood on the Clueless-Dolt-In-Chief:

Obama’s Remarkable 9/11 Blindspot by John Ziegler

As a guy who has just made a film about how the news media paved the way for President Obama’s election, it won’t surprise you to hear that I have some critical things to say about his most recent appearance on “60 Minutes.” But what might shock you (because it stunned even me) was the incredibly tepid response that his most incredible remarks elicited even from the right (and no, they had nothing to do with laughter, or the economy).

Whether anyone chooses to notice or not, President Obama put himself out on the very edge of a very long and fragile limb on the issue of how to handle terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay. For a guy who is a master at not taking any real position at all (or, when he is really at his “best” taking all possible sides to an issue simultaneously) , Obama showed an absolutely unbelievable recklessness in his response to former Vice President Dick Cheney’s criticism of his closing of the prison camp.

In fact, if it turns out that we do have another 9/11 and there is even a shred of evidence that the closing of Guantanamo had anything to do with our inability to prevent it, I don’t think that Obama could have closed off any more of his plausible escape hatches if he had actually tried to do so.

Let’s go through just some of the highlights of what could end up one day serving as Obama’s political obituary (one so strong that even his many cheerleaders in the news media may have a tough time dismissing it).

Obama told Steve Kroft, “I mean, the fact of the matter is, after all these years how many convictions actually came out of Guantanamo? How many– how many terrorists have actually been brought to justice under the philosophy that is being promoted by Vice President Cheney? It hasn’t made us safer.”

Was this really the President of the United States speaking?

I've got another question: just what the fuck is Chimpy McJugEars' definition of "justice" for the animals being held at Club Gitmo?

It's one thing to be a clueless dolt when you're just posing in front of styrofoam Greek columns reading teleprompter text to adoring waterheads; it's quite another to be a clueless dolt President-Trainee.

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