Wednesday, February 11, 2009


WaPo: The Messiah Is A Liah

Page A6 in today's Post:

President Obama likes to portray the battle over the economic stimulus package that passed the Senate on Tuesday as a stark choice between his approach and that of those who would "do nothing."

"Nothing is not an option. You didn't send me to Washington to do nothing," Obama told a gathering of 1,500 here on Tuesday, bringing the crowd to its feet as he campaigned for passage of the more than $800 billion package.

The president used the same language Monday in his first prime-time news conference, suggesting that lawmakers who opposed his prescription want the government to ignore the deepening economic crisis.

"There seems to be a set of folks who—I don't doubt their sincerity—who just believe that we should do nothing," [The Messiah] said.

But in truth, few of those involved in the stimulus debate are suggesting that the government should not take action to aid the cratering economy.

Many of the president's fiercest congressional critics support a stimulus package of similar size but think it should be built around a much higher proportion of tax cuts than new spending. Others have called for a plan that is half the size of the one headed for a House-Senate conference—still massive by historical standards.

Even those who think that no new government spending is necessary do not advocate a stand-still approach. A newspaper ad by the Cato Institute, signed by 250 economists, argued for removing "impediments to work, saving, investment and production" and said that "lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth."

The Post being the Post, they can't get through this without putting up their favorite bugaboos:
During debates with Democrats about the Iraq war, Bush often cast his rivals as believing that "the war is lost and not worth another dime or another day."
Actually, "his rivals" cast themselves that way. See Dingy Harry. That is if you can stomach the son of a bitch one last time.
He sometimes derided critics of his health-care policies as people "who believe that the federal government ought to be the decider of health care."
See Tom Daschle; the Porkulus Package.
Talking about the fight against terrorism, Bush often warned of those "who say we are not at war."
Goddamned fear-monger.

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