Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Dumb And Dumber
Question: Who among Democratic tax cheats (and really, is there any other kind?) playing musical chairs around the Messiah administration will be left standing when the music stops?
Answer: Tom Daschle, hardy-har. This is so fresh there isn't even a link yet, but here's the ABC News website headline:
Tax-Troubled Tom Daschle Withdraws Nomination; Obama Accepts With 'Sadness and Regret'
Mark Steyn just pointed out on Rush's show how badly Daschle has been suckered: at least Geithner still got to play after paying his taxes. Daschle has shelled out over 120 large and gets diddly-squat. Now that is f***in' funny.
Flaming Skull Alert at Ace's:
$946.69. Wow.
More hardy-har: can you say "presumptuous"?
They all look so Messiah-dusted, don't they?
Answer: Tom Daschle, hardy-har. This is so fresh there isn't even a link yet, but here's the ABC News website headline:
Tax-Troubled Tom Daschle Withdraws Nomination; Obama Accepts With 'Sadness and Regret'
Mark Steyn just pointed out on Rush's show how badly Daschle has been suckered: at least Geithner still got to play after paying his taxes. Daschle has shelled out over 120 large and gets diddly-squat. Now that is f***in' funny.
Flaming Skull Alert at Ace's:
Let's review the super awesome start of this new and most ethical administration evah! Bill Richardson, out over a federal indictment. Daschle and Killefer out over taxes. Geithner squeaks by with his tax problem. And let's not forget the waivers for all the lobbyists (what, 15 in 15 days? That's gotta be some kind of record for ethical rope-jumping ~ Ed.) that Obama said he wouldn't have to begin with.
$946.69. Wow.
More hardy-har: can you say "presumptuous"?
They all look so Messiah-dusted, don't they?