Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What, No Wedding Guests?

Hamas Bullshit, Exhibit #5281

Haniyeh said most of those killed in the IDF’s Operation Cast Lead had been women and children...
Oh yes, and Hamassholes, but mostly Hamassholes (with apologies to Ace).

Didn't hear him say anything like, "Sorry, I shouldn't have had my trained animals use civilians as human shields." Or some such.

His Hamassholeyness also "stressed that 'despite this, we knew that victory is the lot of the believers and those who perform Allah’s commandments.'"

If that's the case then why is this cocksucker so desperate for a ceasefire? Wait. I know: because it looks right now as if Allah is commanding on the side of Israel crushing Haniyeh and his fellow Hamassholes.

May Israel have the courage to drive these bastards into the sea. That's a popular theme around those parts, ain't it?

Bonus: This diamond-strength gem of truth from Power Line:
It is commonly said that by storing weapons in mosques and firing rockets and mortars from residential areas and school yards, Hamas is using human shields in Gaza, a war crime. But the truth is really worse than that. Hamas doesn't endanger civilians in hopes that it will deter retaliation; it does so in the hope and expectation that civilians will be killed and wounded.

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