Friday, January 09, 2009



My great good friend Roberto and I reminesced today over fish and chips at these last eight years of the Bush Presidency, recalling how family and friends sacrificed personal honor and civility, even betrayed trust, on the altar of Bush Derangement Syndrome and, in the face of that self-righteous ignorance and hatred, convinced us of the integrity of our own principles and judgement.

One of the recurring lessons of supporting the Right Man was witnessing the reaction of those poor, angry, diminished little things every time the Commander-In-Chief would utter one of a seemingly endless supply of what came to be known, hated, and, by those of us honest enough to appreciate the man's spirit, loved as Bushisms.

Bless your heart, Mr. President. They all misunderestimated you, even while you were practising your love with them across the country.

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