Thursday, May 22, 2008
Department Of Corrections
A French court has dismissed the France2 lawsuit against whistleblower Philip Karsenty, putting the final nail in the coffin of one of the Palestinians', and their collaborators', most despicable deceits.
Meanwhile, in an article that rebuts the most central and destructive of all the many Arab slanders against Israel in its sixty years, Clifford D. May chronicles how “Palestinian” refugees were created by Muslim armies, not Israel, in "Missing Moderates - The real reason the Arab-Israeli conflict can’t be settled":
Meanwhile, in an article that rebuts the most central and destructive of all the many Arab slanders against Israel in its sixty years, Clifford D. May chronicles how “Palestinian” refugees were created by Muslim armies, not Israel, in "Missing Moderates - The real reason the Arab-Israeli conflict can’t be settled":
Karsh quotes Ismail Safwat, the Iraqi general who served as commander-in-chief of the Arab Liberation Army that was attempting to “drive all Jews into the sea.” Safwat noted “with some astonishment that the Jews ‘have so far not attacked a single Arab village unless provoked by it.’”
The overwhelming majority of those who fled, Karsh explains, were instructed to do so “by their own leaders and/or by Arab military forces whether out of military considerations or in order to prevent them from becoming citizens of a prospective Jewish state.”
One of those leaders was Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, who had spent World War II close to Hitler in Berlin. Scholar Barry Rubin writes that al-Husseini “hated Jews, wanted to destroy them and could not envision compromise.”
“The key point,” Rubin says, “is that in rejecting partition, in demanding everything and starting a war it could not win, the Arab side ensured endless conflict, the Palestinian refugee issue, and no Palestine. It wasn’t murder — it was suicide.”