Wednesday, April 09, 2008
False, Ignorant And Shallow
That's how Peter Wehner characterizes Joe Klein's bizarre statement referring to the Democrats' “chronic disease” of anti-American negativity and self-blame:
Wehner responds.
This is ironic and weirdly self-defeating, since the liberal message of national improvement is profoundly more optimistic, and patriotic, than the innate conservative pessimism about the perfectibility of human nature.Now that takes some serious delusion.
Wehner responds. Klein really prepared to argue that the aim of the institutional strongholds of contemporary liberalism - whether we are talking about the academy or Hollywood or others - is to deepen our love for America and increase our civic devotion and pride? That their efforts will make us a more perfect union? Does Klein believe that during the last several decades liberals rather than conservatives have been more likely to reject cultural relativism and radical multiculturalism? Have liberals rather than conservatives been more vocal in arguing why the United States is better in every way than its totalitarian enemies? Is Ted Kennedy really more patriotic in his “liberal message of national improvement” than Ronald Reagan was in his conservative message of national improvement?The best questions are already answered. Here's the rest.