Friday, April 25, 2008
And Context For All
Along comes Bill Moyers, who provides a fawning forum in which Wright is free to explain, in whatever way he wishes, his racist tirades into their proper context. And what does Wright tell us? Nothing. Nothing we haven't heard before. No context. Just the same passive-aggressive accusations that he has been misunderstood, misrepresented, misconstrued and oh yeah taken out of context, too. But he never quite says how, just as Obama never quite says how. About anything.
Thanks to ABC, here is some of that context we've all been waiting for from the contextually-challenged, to say nothing of reality-challenged Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Roll it:
Warm, sweet, creamy context.From "The Day of Jerusalem's Fall" 9/16/2001
Watch this sermon.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday, did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox News, this is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out, did you see him John, a white man, and he pointed out, an ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Mohammed was in fact true, America's chickens are coming home to roost. We took this country by terror, away from the Sioux, the Apache, the Arowak, the Comanche, the Arapahoe, the Navajo. Terrorism. We took Africans from their country to build our way of ease and kept them enslaved and living in fear. Terrorism. We bombed Granada and killed innocent civilians, babies, non-military personnel. We bombed the black civilian community of Panama with stealth bombers and killed unarmed teenagers and toddlers, pregnant mothers, and hardworking fathers. We bombed Qaddafi's home and killed his child. Blessed are they who bash your children's head against a rock. We bombed Iraq. We killed unarmed civilians trying to make a living. We bombed a plant in Sudan to payback for the attack on our embassy, killed hundreds of hardworking people, mothers and fathers who left home to go that day not knowing that they would never get back home. We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye. Kids playing in the playground, mothers picking up children from school, civilians, not soldiers, people just trying to make it day by day. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards.America's chickens!
Are coming home!To roost!
(Emphasis by Rev. Wright ~ Ed.)
From "Confusing God and Government" 4/13/03
Rev. Jeremiah Wright:
The British government failed, the Russian government failed, the Japanese government failed, the German government failed, and the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. The government put them in chains. She put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in sub-standard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education, and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America, no, no, no.
Not God bless America, God damn America. That's in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent. Think about this, think about this.
For every one Oprah, a billionaire, you've got 5 million blacks who out of work. For every one Colin Powell, a millionaire, you've got 10 million blacks who cannot read. For every one Condoskeeza Rice, you've got 1 million in prison. For every one Tiger Woods, who needs to get beat, at the Masters, with his cap, blazin' hips playing on a course that discriminates against women. God has his way of bringing you up short when you get to big for your cap, blazin britches. For every one Tiger Woods, we got 10,000 black kids who will never see a golf course. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent.
Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures
Let's review:
America deserved it. She was askin' for it- look at how she was dressed! The lives of the three thousand human beings who died at Ground Zero were the wages of an evil American empire's centuries-long reign of terror over the entire world right through to the end of the twentieth century. He says nothing about the bastards who murdered his fellow AmeriKKKans, because they're his heroes for takin' it to the Monster, as Obama's friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn see things.
Ed Morrissey:
And talking about context, notice that Wright never provides any context for the actions against Japan, Libya, Panama, and Granada. In his speech, we just up and decided one day to murder Qaddafi’s child.Oh: Reverend Wright did not quote Ambassador Peck about "chickens coming home to roost", because Ambassador Peck never said any such thing. Like Barack Hussein Obama, the Reverend Wright is a fabricator and a liar. I have no use for either of them.
So. What else is new?
Well, for one thing, Operation Chaos continues.