Sunday, March 02, 2008


Same Old Same Old

Israeli patience amazes me. Hamas is playing the same game in Gaza they played in Lebanon: attack innocent Israeli civilians because they can, then hide behind "civilians" whom we all know are rarely innocent, since they harbor Hamas to begin with. And when some of those civilians become collateral damage during an Israeli retaliation, they can once again depend on the UN, the EU, the international press and idiots worldwide to point their collective fingers at Israel as "child-murderers", which ignores the Western legal convention of 'reckless endangerment", of which Hamas are clearly guilty in these cases, since they hide amongst their populations while engaging in acts of war (If their constituencies had any brains they would hire American lawyers to file lawsuits against their murderous and self-destructive tribal elders).

They do this because they want Israel's hands tied with world approbrium, leaving Hamas free to carry on their existential war against Israel. It's not difficult for reasonable people to see what Hamas and their human shields are doing when they fire rockets into Israel and then cry when Israel retaliates. Everyone knew a kid who acted like that in the playground at school, and it was always fun watching them get their pussy asses kicked around the block while they cried.

So what is the solution? First, some reality: The "two-state solution" is no such thing because only Israel agrees to it. The Palestinians, Hamas and Fatah, do not. The status quo is a charade that benefits no-one, least of all Israel. Diplomacy, talks, meetings, promises, all have been fruitless since long before Arafat; that's a long time. Every Israeli concession is met by Palestinians with further destruction. They are bloodthirsty, treacherous and tenacious, but they lack the power to defeat the Israelis; the Israelis are so sensitive to world opinion as stoked by their enemies that they have not yet resolved to destroy the terrorists trying to destroy them, any retaliation instantly being labelled as "disproportionate".

The terrorists' all-out war against Israel should be met by Israel with unmitigated fierceness, first against the Islamist terrorist leaders, every single one that can be identified. Then on to the footsoldiers until the last wretched animal is killed and displayed in death on the front page of the New York Times.

That done: peace, bro.

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