Monday, March 17, 2008


Obama's Reverend And Mentor Hates White America

Bumped & Updated

Barack Obama will now attempt to strike back against the revelation of his mentor's hatred for America with the race card, all the while trying to disguise it as indignation, disappointment and moral superiority. Just you watch.

I opined to my wife the first time I listened to Obama some months ago that he was speaking to black America, and that his non-black followers just assumed he meant them too. Now that I've also heard Obama's great good friend and spiritual mentor of twenty years Rev. Wright and Obama's great good wife and spiritual spokesmoaner Michelle Obama, I am even more convinced of that judgement.

Wright's sermons regularly and intentionally (he reads from a prepared text) stoke racial hatred against white America; I believe the same ethos is at work when Michelle Obama talks about how oppressed and downtrodden people are in America today, how hard and unfair life is in America today. It also puts in context her remark that she has never been proud of her country until now: how the hell could she be if she buys into Wright's poisonous view of America?

Michelle Obama is not speaking to all of America; she's exhorting black women and by extension their communities to think of themselves as victims of Whitey. Together the Obamas have ripped off the Jackson/Sharpton race hustle and made it look respectable. You throw that net out and you'll snag all kinds of politically correct, guilt-ridden liberals who want to believe this is their salvation at last.

It's no wonder to me that Obama's campaign is so touchy about all this new criticism; I think they hear it through the filter of Wright's brand of angry black racist envy and therefore are simply not equipped to answer honest criticism on its merits rather than as a racial affront. Pastor Wright has spent some two hundred thousand hours over 36 years indoctrinating his congregation to think that very way.

Barack Obama will now attempt to strike back against the revelation of his mentor's hatred for America with the race card, all the while trying to disguise it as indignation, disappointment and moral superiority. Just you watch.

Imagine how disastrous it would be to have that mindset permeating the next administration.

Ace puts the drop on Obama's lawerly non-denial denials. Wow.

Rich Lowry points to a passage in Obama's book in which he fawningly recalls a Wright sermon featuring the very same racial venom and dispiriting hatred for America he now claims never to have heard in all those twenty years as Pastor Wright's bright and ever-more-ascendant protege.

Just what sort of idiot does Barack Obama take me for?

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