Friday, March 14, 2008


What You Mean "We", Kemosabe?

So David Mamet has announced that he's no longer a brain-dead liberal.

Who knew he was given to redundancy?

Whatever. His declaration doesn't automatically make him a member of Team Right, especially not with bullshit brain droppings like this:
Bush got us into Iraq, JFK into Vietnam. Bush stole the election in Florida; Kennedy stole his in Chicago. Bush outed a CIA agent; Kennedy left hundreds of them to die in the surf at the Bay of Pigs. Bush lied about his military service; Kennedy accepted a Pulitzer Prize for a book written by Ted Sorenson. Bush was in bed with the Saudis, Kennedy with the Mafia. Oh.

I've got my problems with President Bush, but I don't invest him with tired old idiot lies that are obviously still a big part of Mamet's mindset. Mamet may think he's no longer a brain-dead liberal, but until he gets over his BDS, he's still stuck in an intellectually lazy stupor.

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