Monday, March 17, 2008


An Inconvenient Truth: Obama Basks In Whitey-Hating Mentor's Glow For Twenty Years Then Discards Him Like Old Cheese

Idiots are grasping at word that Newsmax blew it on the "nodding in church" story, because it might be that throughout the whole time his beloved mentor was spewing whitey-hatred to his fawning 8,000-member congregation that included Obama and his family over twenty years, Obama wasn't there on that one particular occasion.

There are two points to be made here: 1) Newsmax blew it and 2) big fucking deal. Wright has been a crucial figure in Obama's life for more than two decades. Not just in his rise through Chicago's South Side political machine, but in his life journey and personal philosophy. Obama credits Wright with bringing him to Christ; that's almost as intimate as a relationship can get. Wright married the Obamas and baptized their children. Obama has always pointed to Wright as his minister, close friend, mentor and political sounding board. Obama has rolled with Wright's hateful shit for twenty three years, donated 23,000 dollars to his church in support of its apparent mission to convince its members of their victimhood at the hands of an evil White America, and is only now distancing himself from Wright because the man's decades-long record of racist hatemongering, finally under widespread scrutiny, has become radioactive to Obama's campaign.

No part of that is in the least bit undone by Newsmax.

So I'll leave further "catch Obama nodding" to others because it's irrelevant. Tom Maguire:

This does not resolve Obama's central problem - he is telling the nation that
"We’ve got a lot of pent-up anger and bitterness and misunderstanding. But what I continue to believe in is that this country wants to move beyond these kinds of divisions."
but there is no evidence that, over the course of twenty years, he has moved his own minister past anger and bitterness.
Nor is there any evidence that he even tried, because that very anger and bitterness served Obama's ambitions very well for two decades.

Now, back to the story of Obama's racist, whitey-hating, victim-mentality-cultivating, conspiracy-mongering pastor, close friend, advisor and mentor of twenty-plus years - the one who has suddenly been airbrushed from Obama's campaign.

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