Monday, February 18, 2008


Who Are The Fear-Mongers Here?

Gabriel Malor answers the question arising from the work of Cato Institute scholar Timothy Lee, who is busy trying to dismiss the risk to national security caused by the lapse of FISA reform:

What Lee fails to mention is that in February or March of last year (we can't be sure because the ruling is secret), a FISA court judge ruled that foreign-to-foreign communications are subject to a warrant requirement if they are carried over the U.S. telecommunications infrastructure. So there's actually a pretty good reason to think our nation will be in more danger in 2008 than in 2006.


Democrats frequently claim that President Bush is engaged in a power grab, that he's trying to overturn the Fourth Amendment. House Democrats spent Friday bleating about an "imperial presidency." They're just spreading a different variety of fear, one that they've perpetuated ever since they started referring to the "sElected President" and "King George."

Malor also cites Andrew C. McCarthy, who continues to counter the wishful thinking that so completely clouds the Pelosian mindset:

When you go from no restrictions to no collection absent probable cause, that represents an enormous drop off in capacity. It's that simple. Democrats who claim that people like McConnell are engaged in partisan fear-mongering are talking nonsense. And as McConnell noted this morning, every day we don't fix this problem, the problem — the investigative leads you don't get, the connections you don't make, the things you don't learn but which you should know — metastasizes. Intelligence is dynamic: you can't stop collecting for a day, a week, a month or more and then figure you are picking up right where you left off. What you have lost tends to stay lost.

The heartbreaking, sad, gobsmacking, gobsmackingly sad heartbreaking news about Nancy Pelosi is that she has taken her eyes off the real war on terror in order to wage war on President Bush for her trial lawyer supporters, allowing the real enemy an advantage he wouldn't otherwise enjoy were Pelosi, um, let's say, sane.

What a Chimpelosi.

What a Peloshitler.

Let's kill her.

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