Monday, February 25, 2008


The Game Is Afoot

Under the title Obama's Chicago-style Politics, Patrick Ruffini exposes a Senate Democrats plot to freeze the McCain campaign by blocking FEC appointments. And which Democrat placed a hold on a key appointment that prevents the FEC from doing its job?

Hint: He glows like Heaven itself.

Now here's a larger issue: is this part of a pattern?

Sure looks that way. Hot Air has news of more, and more recent, Barack meetings with Weathermen terrorists Willliam Ayres and Bernadette Dohrn. And the Times Online says A British-Iraqi billionaire lent millions of dollars to Barack Obama's fundraiser just weeks before an imprudent land deal that has returned to haunt the presidential contender.

Can you say "Rezko"? I know: me too.

Let's begin by assuming the very worst. Let's assume Obama is horribly corrupt and he makes it to the White House. But let's allow ourselves to Hope that he Changes. Upon entering the hallowed confines of the Oval Office he has an epiphany and is miraculously no longer beholden to his patrons and is free to exercise his best, most honest and assiduous judgement as President; the angels of his better nature if you will. He becomes pure as the driven snow. Doesn't matter. Obama's naive world view remains the same as we know it to be based on his statements (just words), and his career record as a politician. On those alone, the man is clearly not suited to go anywhere near the Oval Office.

Also, check this out: First Lady Michelle Obama. Fair game, yo. Not Ready For Prime Time. I said the same thing about John F'n Kerry in 2004, that he was an empty suit and a disaster in the making, with a freakin' crazy spouse to boot, and of course we see now that that was true: does anyone out of three hundred million Americans regret that Teraiza Heinz Kerry was not the First Lady?

I am right about Ubama, too: if elected, he will be not just a disaster, not just a fucking disaster, but a fucking huge disaster, especially when he appoints to the Supreme Court. And if that happens, Americans won't elect another Democrat to the White House until amoebas drive speedboats.

So it just might be worth it.

HT: National Lampoon

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