Monday, February 18, 2008
Oh What A Good Boy Am I
Idiot brainrot took up valuable WaPo editorial space (an oxymoron in this case) today in Leon Fleischer's grand existential opus, My White House Dilemma, about his Inner Struggle to reconcile accepting the accolades of a Kennedy Center gala with snubbing the Office of the President of the United States in order to insult George W. Bush and generate maximum PR return. In other words, the same old boring idiot crap.
Matthew J. Frank dismantles Fleischer's self-absorbed idiocy:
Matthew J. Frank dismantles Fleischer's self-absorbed idiocy:
According to Leon Fleisher, "Bush administration policies have amounted to a systematic shredding of our nation's Constitution." This has been so endlessly, mindlessly repeated on the left since the commencement of the Iraq war, if not earlier, that there is now no felt necessity on the part of those saying it to support such an idiotic claim with arguments of any kind. And Fleisher has none, of course—only a litany of bald assertions about an "illegal war," etc. He has simply swallowed the Big Lie and regurgitated it to account for a fit of pique and to excuse his inexcusable rudeness.That last sentence, in case you missed it, is pretty much the entire deal with the idiots.