Thursday, February 28, 2008


Obama To Canada: Just Words

Via Hot Air
Prior to attacking the NAFTA Agreement in recent statements, Barack Rodham Obama's campaign contacted Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Wilson to assure him that such statements were only campaign rhetoric and not to be taken seriously by the Canadian government.
Barack Obama has ratcheted up his attacks on NAFTA, but a senior member of his campaign team told a Canadian official not to take his criticisms seriously, CTV News has learned. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton have been critical of the long-standing North American Free Trade Agreement over the course of the Democratic primaries, saying that the deal has cost U.S. workers’ jobs.

Within the last month, a top staff member for Obama’s campaign telephoned Michael Wilson, Canada’s ambassador to the United States, and warned him that Obama would speak out against NAFTA, according to Canadian sources.

The staff member reassured Wilson that the criticisms would only be campaign rhetoric, and should not be taken at face value.
So Obama formalizes with the Canadian Government that he is lying to American voters in service to absconding with the White House. Or he is lying to the Canadian Government; neither decision is a good start for an aspiring President; not to his friendly neighbor, trading partner and close ally, and certainly not to American voters. In any case, the world now knows that Barack Obama is an opportunistic liar.

Ed Morrissey:

In case the Democrats don’t realize it, Canada is our most important trading partner — and they rely on NAFTA heavily. Canada is our number one resource for oil, followed by our other NAFTA partner Mexico. If we junk NAFTA, it will create a fairly large diplomatic rift and ripples throughout our economy. Instead of making us more popular in the world, the Democrats will start making us less popular on our own continent and alienate our closest friend, as well as damage all three economies.

Perhaps that’s why Obama’s campaign didn’t want the Canadians to take him seriously. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans are taking him seriously, even if Obama apparently doesn’t return the favor.

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