Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Company He Keeps

Barack Hussein Obama's past and ties are finally becoming the subject of wide discussion. Power Line has written a series of posts about his virulently anti-Israeli foreign policy advisor Samantha Power who, along with B. Hussein Himself, has availed herself of some of George Soros' vast anti-American resources.

Power Line: Soft Power
Power Line: Soft Power, Part Two
Power Line: Soft Power, Part Three
Power Line: Soft Power, Part Four

A key quote from Paul Mirengoff:
Perhaps Obama can explain which of Powers' views (as documented by Lasky and Baehr) make her so attractive to him. Is it her view that the Jewish lobby pushed us into war with Iraq (a view that even Walt and Mearsheimer are no longer willing to defend)? Is it her view of Israelis as war criminals whose tactics the U.S. mimics to its detriment in Iraq? Is it her outrage at the way Israel treated the U.N.'s faux peacekeepers in South Lebanon, the ones who stood by while Hezbollah gained a dominant position and used it to commit aggression against Israel? Perhaps it's simply her willingness to embrace virtually every slander of Israel that can be dredged from the fever swamp, and the hatred of that State this willingness reflects.

Ali Abunimah, a well-known Chicago-based activist for Palestinian causes, says that Obama has apologized to him for not being more up-front in his support for these causes, and has expressed the hope that this will change once the constraints of running for office are out of the way. With key advisers like Power in the wings, Obama looks like a good bet to deliver on his audacious hope should Americans be foolish enough to elect him president. (Emphasis mine)
Others have done admirable work uncovering that which the Obama camp is trying so hard to keep contained. Noah Pollak has several posts on his blog at Commentary Magazine:
Obama and Israel, continued
Obama and Israel–It Gets Worse
“Can Friends of Israel–and Jews–Trust Obama?”
Is He Or Isn’t He?
More Samantha Power
Samantha Power: the Salon Interview
Obama’s Power Ranger
Look Who’s Talking
An Inconvenient Truth

Ed Lasky has written extensively on Obama at American Thinker, including the incredibly thorough and enlightening Barack Obama and Israel, a must-read. Along with Richard Baehr, his other work on the subject includes the following:
Barack Obama's Middle East Expert
The Audacity of Questioning Obama's Commitment to Israel
Samantha Power and Obama's Foreign Policy Team

along with these other references:


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