Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ezra Levant's Opening Statement To The Al Bhurta Sharia Commission

Fuck this court. Fuck Jim Lahey. Fuck Randy. Fuck those two idiot cops right there. Fuck suit dummies; as a matter of fact fuck legal aid. Fuck Danny and Terry's Buffalo Chicken Wings. Fuck all the old wood in here. Fuck the moon, fuck corn on the cob, fuck squirrels. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything!

Actually it was better than that:


David Frum shares a post-hearing e-mail from Levant:

The video clips lose the drama, because the erosion of human rights in Canada in 2008 isn't dramatic. It's slow, bureaucratic and banal. If you don't pay attention, you might even not realize that freedoms are being eroded. I actually expected a combative, missionary-style interrogator. I found, instead, a limp bureaucrat who was just punching the clock. In a way, that's more terrifying.

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