Friday, December 21, 2007


When Good Hillbillies Turn Bad

The consequences of ideological inbreeding. Wonder what the family Christmas looks like?

Hillary Rodham Clinton's youngest sibling is a deadbeat dad who owes tens of thousands of dollars in child support to his politically connected ex, The Post has learned.

In a disclosure that could prove embarrassing for his sister, Anthony Rodham has stiffed his former wife, Nicole Boxer, out of $75,000 in child support, as well as $55,000 in alimony, a source close to the case said.

Including interest and various fees and expenses, the presidential candidate's brother now owes Boxer - the daughter of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) - more than $158,000, the source said.
Now this is unfortunate. Bad for the children involved and they should all come together in the spirit of Positive Change. I urge the Billarys to bail this unfortunate couple out of their troubles with a tiny smidgen of all the wealth they keep reminding us they possess.

I understand Nicole's Aunt Barbara(D-Latestclintonvictim.) advocates wealth redistribution, so I'm sure she'd be down for some sweet, sweet Clintoneros. On her niece's behalf.

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