Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Marine Hero: The 5 Things I Saw That Make Me Support The War

From, a real Marine reaffirms his purpose against the madness of Saddam's Iraq. It's a tale of resolve hardened by daily encounters with the victims of the tyrant's regime:
I still can’t shake the pictures out of my head. We discovered them inside a strange laboratory we found inside a Special Republican Guard barracks that had been plunked down inside an amusement park. When I cracked open the photo album, my jaw dropped. There in front of me were the most horrifying images of experiments being performed on newborn and infant children. Picture after picture, page after page, the binder was filled with the most extreme deformities and experimental mutations one could imagine. One baby had an eye that was shifted toward the middle of its head. We turned the books over to our lieutenant as valuable pieces of intelligence.
The close:
[T]here is a profound moral difference between using violence to destroy lives and using violence to save lives. Terrorists do the former; soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines do the latter.

Antimilitary liberals need to learn the difference between the two.
Not a chance, buddy. Not a chance.

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