Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The Children

Classic Ramirez:

Don Surber on choosing your friends wisely:

Democrats underestimated the strength of our military and the resolve of our commander-in-chief. Democrats bet on defeat. Senate Plurality Leader Harry Reid declared the war lost in April.

Now, 6 months later, Osama bin Laden is admitting defeat in Iraq as he scrambles to make himself relevant again.

Sort of like the Democratic Congress.
That's right: Osama bin Laden chose poorly; he sided with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democratic Congress against George W. Bush and the American people. And where is he now? Begging for a few hundred heavily self-medicated stragglers to buck up and hold the Caliphate party line. But the world has already been there, done that, and it cannot happen again.

In the days before his end, Hitler forced German children to fight for him. Osama and his legion of Islamofascist cowards have always hidden behind children. They're losing.

Violence in Iraq: down 70%. In Anbar, down 80%. Since June. Allah continues to work his divine will through George W. Bush. Praise Allah.

Except when She's in charge:
“Every president should save those powers for limited, critical situations. And when it comes to a regular program of searching for information that touches the privacy of ordinary Americans, those programs need to be monitored and reviewed as set out by Congress in cooperation with the judiciary. That is the essence of the compact we have with each other and with our government, and we cannot ignore it.”
Hard Starboard: "Anybody who’s surprised by the same Hillary Clinton that decries the NSA terrorist surveillance program on 'civil liberties' grounds having overseen an ongoing illegal wiretapping operation as part of her husband’s political machine before and during the first Clinton administration, stand on your head."

The Post woke up barely long enough to notice another Hillary! problem.

What Else Is New Dept.
Daily Cocksuckers are livid with Starkers' apology to the President, Congress and his party. For years they've been demanding that we surrender in Iraq, but when one of their own surrenders to common sense and civility, it's "sickening" and a sign of weakness and degeneracy:

*I am livid right now (see? ~ Ed.).

*Nancy really should wear gloves, this has her fingerprints, DNA and Modus capitulation.. all over this. Sickening.

*i just do not understand it, honestly. what is happening here (Not punctuation. ~ Ed.)?

*What is happening here is that the Democratic party leaders are showing us all they are meek, cowardly corporatecrats. Then stood behind the rethug congress for six years and took abuse after abuse and now are beaten puppies when it comes to things like this and whores for the almighty dollars when it comes to FISA. Harry Reid, I am looking in your direction (Just don't make eye contact, buddy. ~ Ed.).

*When have we ever seen such a failure of courage, or commitment, or selflessness (Well, most recently, 1993-2001.)?

*It's time Americans became brave again. Our government has the people scared and intends to keep them there so they can keep them "safe" and thus remain in power.
Personally, I won't be afraid...terrorists be damned. As soon as "We the People" brave up, we can take our country back (But not before thoroughly understanding the root causes and being ready to dialogue. ~ Ed.).

*For all intents and purposes, there aren't any terrorists. You might as well live in constant fear of flesh-eating bacteria (or global warming. ~ Ed.).

*There ARE terrorists. They work in Washington, DC. We are their targets(**Yawwwwn** ~ Ed.).

*Looks like abused child/spouse syndrome. I am sorry I am alive. Let me please apologize and cry. I have no right to exist and get in your way. Sickening(So surrendering isn't that appealing after all? ~ Ed.)!

*And as Tex. Gov., he used to execute people for his own amusement--and some of those people had been proven innocent before he killed them (...and ate them! Just like Caligula! Don't taze me, bro! ~ Ed.).

*The so called Dem leadership has capitulation fever. They are useless to us. They need to be routed and replaced (I say they should be routered and replaced. Mmmm, routered Democrats. ~ Ed.).

*If we want to save the Constitution, we are going to have to do it ourselves (**Double yawwwwn** ~ Ed.).

And finally, a glimmer of light:
*The Democrats are fully complicit with the Republicans. I don't support Ralph Nader, but I have to admit he was right about there being no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. I won't be voting for any Democrats in 2008.

Thank Heaven for Small Mercies.

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