Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Bigots On Parade: The Randi Rhodes "Mugging"

Just when I thought I might be approaching the fringe territory of the remote possibility of maybe getting to the point at which it might be suggested that I perhaps use the word "idiot" to describe, well, idiots, a little too often, I see I still have all kinds of room.

The story is about a day old now as the masses pray for Air America's Randi Rhodes, who was the victim of a mugging by one or more rightwing nutjob Nazi Conservative Joggers in much the same way as our servicemen and women were victims of an attack on their patriotism by Rush Limbaugh and both Juan Williams and Real Blacks were insulted by Bill O'Rielly.

Here's the latest bigoted idiot diarizing on Kos:

Apparently, Jon Elliot went on-air and claimed she [Randi Rhodes] had been attacked by a right wing nutjob. The fact that this may not be the case will now unleash the usual hysteria from the right wing noise machine about how dare, DARE, anyone theorize that the peace loving non-racist complex thinking koolaid drinkers on the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity side of the aisle would ever commit actual unhinged violence.


Well to the nutbags, I have this to say.
Who mailed white powder to Keith Olbermann?
Who shot up and bombed numerous abortion clinics in the 1990s?
Who blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma in 1995?
Who assassinated John Kennedy (D), Robert Kennedy (D) and Martin Luther King?
Was it "liberals"? I think not.

...I wouldn't be shocked for one moment to find out the FoxNews listeners are attacking people. It would be the last, sad end to this entire failed political disaster/media operation that began in the late 80s and is disintegrating in failure before our eyes.

How's that for jackin' off?

Captain's Quarters:
Anyone who thinks that bigotry has no place in the liberal mindset has -- once again -- just received a material lesson to the contrary. Even without knowing anything about the attacker, several bloggers just decided that it had to be a politically motivated assault by a conservative. That's not leaping to conclusions, that's flying at jet speed to Paranoialand.
Never Misunderestimate Idiots. Ever.

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