Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Not A Rhetorical Question

How stupid can you get? Tim Blair answers:

I’ve been recording leftist stupidity for years now, and this is a new peak. This is Olympian; in fact, this is Olympian with anabolic stupoids.
This story reminds me of the time a leftard tried to make the case for George W. Bush's Criminal! Obtuseness! by breathlessly asserting that, post-9/11, Bush had told his cabinet, "I don't want to hear any more bad news".

True story, I swear to God.

I had to point out to the poor idiot that what the Prez meant was, "let's go get some wins against these animals." I actually had to use the example of Bush telling John Ashcroft, "Don't let it happen again," the revelation being not that he blamed Ashcroft personally for 9/11, but that he wanted the Attorney General to do everything in his power to prevent another attack from within.

How simple is that, yet how difficult for a BDS-fevered idiot to understand? I mean, I wince with embarrassment for this idiot whenever I recall the sheer willpower it took to not simply laugh at him, so oblivious was he of the irony of being even more obtuse than he was accusing Bush of being.

Things haven't changed: idiots are now convinced that Dubya doesn't know Nelson Mandela is still alive. Nnn'duhh.

Let's face it: the idiot left is populated by, well, idiots. Hence the term.

Oh yes, and I love the subtext that develops around Bush's Crime! of absconding with Mandela as a symbol.

Anyway, some quotes, just for laughs:
George Bush still conspires to surprise with another incredible dose of the stupid.

Bush is in heavy rationalisation mode now. Blame the victim.

Bush is stupid because he is a head of state who does not know that one of the most famous men in the world is still alive and dancing.

It’s stupid because it’s taking a car running the tyres bald, cooking them engine, driving it into a ditch and then asking where all the Brabhams have gone.

Oh, and right about now I think I should say something about a turkey……but I won’t (Whew! That was close... ~Ed.).

Tim and his almost entirely extinct Bush claquer confreres clutch the straw of the imagined and spurious distinction between Bushes “Mandelas” and the supposedly more sensible “people like Mandela”. (WTF ~Ed.)

Actually, I fail to see any parallels whatsoever between South Africa and Iraq - the analogy certainly doesn’t seem to have occurred to Nelson Mandela - and only a dumbass like Bush would imply there are some. (WTF2.0 ~Ed.)

Now if he’d said the Israelis had a policy of assassinating all the Palestinian Mandelas, that might have made some sense (If by "Israelis" this idiot means "Arafat and Fatah", he has a point. ~Ed.).
And finally, for balance:

I used to love that clip where Pee Wee Herman does something dumb, and then he’d say “I meant to do that!”

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