Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Lost: Liberalism To Leftism

Via Ace,

Disillusioned Liberal Andrew Anthony has written a book with the interesting conclusion that misplaced guilt is the fuel that keeps Liberalism sputtering along the road of hypocrisy.

“Liberal leftism, by contrast, is a state of mind, a social marker, a moral attitude. It is thus more difficult to hold up to the light, to examine what should be retained, what jettisoned.”

“It has no party, no country, nothing that can tie it down and nothing for which it can be blamed.”

For the Left, the blindfold of guilt has created a one size fits all template of political, social, and economic discourse. No matter what the discussion, the correct answer has already been written.

“Guilt, he says, has eviscerated their liberalism - and turned it into a permanent form of appeasement of ideologies, personalities and actions which are, by true liberals' own lights, insupportable.”

“…too many liberals appear too cowed or constrained by the diktats of post-colonial discourse [translation: guilt] to assert the importance of reason and robust intellectual debate.'”

(Man, will I second that.- Ed.)

Once again Liberalism has been shown to be nothing more than an amusement park roller coaster ride. At first blush it would seem that both activities require a great deal of courage to pursue. But roller coasters and Liberalism are not truly dangerous and only give the illusion of such. The courage needed for both are tempered by the fact that both are firmly bolted to a comforting set course that never varies. A pattern that always begins and ends at the same place.

No Shit, Sherlock Line Of The Month: "America has become the 'prejudice of choice for those who pride themselves on their lack of prejudice'."

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