Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Holy Land Trial Exposes The Muslim Brotherhood's Campaign Against The West

An adult conversation at The American Thinker about the threat to Western democracy exposed by the Holy Land Foundation trial:
From an intelligence perspective, the first thing in assessing and evaluating these raw, translated documents is that they all passed sufficient legal scrutiny to be entered into evidence in a federal trial. Secondly, since these are raw, primary sourced documents of the Muslim Brotherhood and not secondarily sourced, they are the equivalent in a tactical or operational sense of key leadership defector, or detainee debriefing statements, or the capturing of the enemy's strategic campaign plan. Indeed the title of one document is "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America." Third, the defendants did not challenge in court the authenticity or veracity of the evidentiary documents. All of which immediately speaks to both the credibility and reliability of these reports for intelligence analysis and exploitation.
More from Captain's Quarters, Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, Rick Moran and the Dallas Morning News.

It's Not Called Islamofascism For Nothing
A solid grounding in history is anathema to idiots; I expect few takers, but here we go anyway:
There are a few takeaway points from all this. First, the jihad didn’t start in 2001 or 1993 or 1983 or even 1979. It goes back quite a bit farther, and isn’t a response to US policies. Second, the jihadis work with secular allies when it suits them. The grand mufti worked hand in glove with Hitler; they would work with anyone else who could provide whatever they believe they need to achieve their goals. Third, the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t dormant or dead — it boasts about 20% of Egypt’s Parliament, for one thing — and it and its various offshoots are still working toward the goal of global Muslim domination.

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