Saturday, September 08, 2007


If You Don't Agree With Me That Republicans Are Mindless Warmogers I'll Attack You In A Monkey Rage

Yet Another Violent Antiwar Idiot: First Place, Dog Bites Man Category.

I've never listened to Air America longer than it took me to appreciate anew the freedom of not having to suffer idiocy; let's say ten seconds. But apparently Ed Schultz is a big guy there and the listeners love him- all five of them, in fact. And knowing how idiots think, I know they'll appreciate that Ed Schultz assaults people for their political beliefs.

Per The Captain:
It's always amusing to see the violence inherent in the anti-war Left -- or at least it's amusing from a distance. When was the last time a conservative radio host got into a barfight? Do you suppose Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, or Michael Medved would take a swing at someone in a bar over a political disagreement? If they did, it would make national headlines. I wonder if we'll see the same kind of coverage about Air America's star.

If you want to send your thoughts to Schultz's home station and its owner Jim Ingstad, you can e-mail him here.

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