Friday, September 28, 2007


Another Phony Idiot Phreakout

Juan Cole is all aflame over the secret Bush-Aznar memo. All I can say is BFD, which is pretty much what Pajamas Media's Jose Guardia says along with his posting of an accurate translation of the memo. In fact, the memo actually provides further proof that there were not only WMDs in Iraq, but that Saddam was asking through the Egyptians to get away with a billion dollars cash and all the information on those WMDs. Just to pre-emptively clarify against the inevitable idiot waffling, here's the exact quote from Bush in the memo:

“The Egyptians are talking with Saddam Hussein. It seems he has hinted he’d be willing to leave if he’s allowed to take 1 billion dollars and all the information on WMDs.”

I guess Juan Cole was so lost in the throes of an idiotgasm that he missed that particular nuance, or layer, or whatever the word is these days for "Inconvenient Truth".

To me there was no question Bush was going to invade Iraq at this point. For all his hysteria, it remains for Cole or anyone else on the planet to back up his moronic claim that that was an impeachable action. That's just more of the same old boring idiot fairy-shit it's always been. The fact is, if Bush could have been impeached, he would have been impeached, long before now. I know that's how the world would be if idiot fairy-shit was magical, but it's not.

So in service to Juan Cole and his ilk, here's some positive reinforcement, a refreshing incantation:

"Soy un idiota izquierdista y nunca aprendo."

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