Monday, September 24, 2007


Again To War

Real Clear Politics' Robert Tracinski writes on The Buildup to a US-Iran War, a coldly realistic assessment of the coming conflict with the Islamofascist enemy:

Ahmadinejad is seeking to initiate a world war in order to achieve global Muslim dominion, so that he can bring about the coming of the messiah. Clearly, he's a man who can be reasoned with, don't you think?

This, and not just the timidity of the Europeans, is the real reason why diplomacy with Iran has collapsed. And it's the reason why we're already enmeshed in a proxy war with Iran as the regime plows its manpower and resources into killing American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bear in mind that Ahmadinejad has been in office for two years now and is a known quantity. If Iran's Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, were unhappy with Ahmadinejad's bluster and aggression, he would already have ousted him. So we can assume Ahmadinejad has the backing of the ruling establishment. And after all, he is merely carrying on--with an increased scope and intensity--the Islamic Republic's decades-long war against the Great Satan.

The coming of the war with Iran has very little to do with our intentions and has everything to do with the enemy's intentions. Our only choice is how we will respond. Will we continue to evade the need to confront this threat--or will we finally begin to fight back?

The answer will begin to form tomorrow when ActMadInJihad sets off for Ground Zero.

Historic times.

Slip me some sugar, baby.

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