Saturday, August 11, 2007


Earth Saved From Destruction

Chrysler: 1970 Plymouth Superbird "The New Hybrid"
"It's a car, and it has a gigantic wing!"

Big Big News: Mother Gaia is safe! Tiger Hawk has the links, the eeevil Ace has the commentary:

What is "the hockey stick"? It is a false graph of global temperatures over the last hundred or thousand years (the latter, I think, but it doesn't matter) which is shaped like an upturned hockey-stick -- flat, flat, flat for most of its length, then a sudden spike upward, not unlike the blade of a hockey stick.

It was this graph which sparked the latest global warming alarmism. I am not exaggerating when I say this is the foundational myth of the Cult of Global Warming. This started it all, changed climatology forever.

One problem with the Hockey Stick graph: it was false, a lie from the start, and continues to be a lie. Michael Mann used fake numbers, made up numbers for it; he took out any numbers which might have caused his model to show something other than a hockey stick with suddenly spiking temperatures in the late twentieth century, quite selectively and quite deliberately; and indeed the very computer algorithm he used to create this graph would almost always generate a hockey-stick like shape no matter what numbers you put into it. And even with that, he had to make up fake numbers and take out real numbers to give it that shape he needed.
Like how idiots have to think just to make it through the day.

Shhh! Climatologist-hater Orson Scott Card propagandizes.

Planet Gore on The Reprieve For Mother Earth.

Here's your science:

Government scientists using taxpayer money to develop the GISS temperature data base at taxpayer expense refuse to publicly release their temperature adjustment logorithms or software (In much the same way Michael Mann refused to release the details for scrutiny of his methodology behind the hockey stick).
Sorry, but that isn't science.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but when do the idiots start conceding points off for being wrong all the live-long god-damned fucking day?

I mean, they're so lame I can't even link to anything.

There's just nothing there.

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