Sunday, June 10, 2007


Warmongers Hijack NYT

I can't believe I'm reading this in the Old Grey Mare:
Today, in Iraq, there should be no illusion that defeat would come at an acceptable price. George Orwell wrote that the quickest way of ending a war is to lose it. But anyone who thinks an American defeat in Iraq will bring a merciful end to this conflict is deluded. Defeat would produce an explosion of euphoria among all the forces of Islamist extremism, throwing the entire Middle East into even greater upheaval. The likely human and strategic costs are appalling to contemplate. Perhaps that is why so much of the current debate seeks to ignore these consequences.
The authors of the article are two old friends of contrasting views who watched the post-Vietnam disasters unfold. They agree that the consequences of surrendering in Iraq would be disastrous beyond anything that has come before.

Finally, an adult assessment instead of piddling ideology.

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