Thursday, May 03, 2007



Iraqi Sunnis Taking Up With U.S. Forces Against al Qaeda In Iraq
More and more, al Qaeda are wearing out their welcome amongst Sunnis fed up with their wanton butchery. That's Good News.

Note To The Goracle: You're All Wet, But It Ain't The Rising Ocean Levels.
Joel Schwartz writes in NRO:

Al Gore presented his Inconvenient Truths at Tulane University in New Orleans a couple of days ago. According to a colleague who was there, Gore claimed that there is no legitimate scholarly alternative to his (Gore's) world view.

I'll leave it to others to take on this claim in terms of political philosophy. Regarding the science, there are many articles that show Gore is mistaken. Below are links to 13 of them. All are from peer reviewed scientific journals, and all in one way or another either fail to support or directly contradict the claim that humans are changing the climate in ways that will be catastrophic for human health and welfare. For each article, the title hyperlinks either to the abstract, or, if freely available, the full article.

Below the title is a short description of what each article says. These are just a few of the many scientific articles that contradict the claim that the scientific results support the alarmists. And more such research continues to come out each month. Of course, there are also many articles Gore can cite to support his views on climate change. But when Gore claims there is nothing to debate, it's clear that many climate scientists think otherwise.
More here.


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