Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Iraq The Model Meets The Troops

President Bush's counter-insurgency campaign led by General Patreus is already bearing fruit, scant news of which is getting out to the folks. Since the President mentioned IRAQ THE MODEL in a speech, the idiots have been swarming there. Big surprise.

Here's ITM's tale of a meeting with U.S. troops over a neighborhood barbeque:
I often find myself in arguments with people about the behavior of American soldiers when they search homes and many of the people I talk to base their argument and negative impression on the footage of some raids we see on TV or on experiences of presumed relatives or friends.

I realize that for some other Iraqis having their homes searched wasn't as smooth or as pleasant an experience as ours but this is my story and I thought I'd share it.
These guys tell it straight. Love it.

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