Tuesday, February 20, 2007


No Court Rights For Detainees

The Democrats went after Bush on behalf of terrorist assholes, demanding access to U.S. courts for Guantanamo detainees. Bush answered by forcing the Dems to swallow their bullshit and vote on the issue in Congress. The resulting legislation passed. And the courts just upheld that legislation.

It will now go to the Supremes, who should leave it alone as a Constitutional no-brainer.

Bush has never been afraid of a Constitutional fight with the Democrats, which is why it's going to be fun watching him mop the floor with Murtha and his back-door surrender (a multi-purpose metaphor if there ever was one).

In related news, a Jawa Exclusive: Released Gitmo Detainee Arrested En Route to Iraq.
Gee, maybe if he'd just been given access to a court to prove his innocence, this wouldn't have happened.

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