Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Michelle and Bryan, Back From Iraq

For once in her accursed Neocon existence, the eeevil Malkinoid finally did some of her own research and, with Bryan Preston, went to Iraq under the watchful eye of KKKarl Rove, who vets all such junkets since that Wilson prick duped the idiots by masquerading as Dick Cheney's go-to guy in Niger.

Here is Michelle's first report at Hot Air.

And here is an excerpt from Bryan's first column:
Calling Iraq a "civil war" misunderstands the nature of Iraq and the term "civil war." Most of Iraq's warring parties don't have any chance at taking over the entire country and don't seem interested in doing so. Most of them are reacting to the vaccuum of power since the iron grip of Saddam slipped off the country. Most of them are reacting to threats they perceive are either coming from the presence of foreign troops, or from the presence of Wahhabi-influence terrorists (al Qaeda) or from fellow Iraqis who belong to the other major sect of Islam, or from Iran. Most militia fighters would probably lay down their weapons if the overall environment improved, and by that I mean improvements in the basics: the economy and education as well as the security environment.

Thank you, Michelle and Bryan, for the stories the MSM does not tell.

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