Thursday, January 11, 2007


BDS Roundup

President Bush read the riot act to Maliki, Iran and Syria and recommitted to winning the war in Iraq tonight by describing his new strategy on that front in the war on islamofacism. The inevitable parade of partisan Bush-haters scrambled to the media to play stupid for all the world to see. Here's a wide-ranging look at analyisis of the idiot left's various reactions:

Iowa Voice reminds us that Nancy Pelosi was for a troop surge before she was against it. So were Biden, Kerry, et al. What a pack of liars.

The Anchoress reminds us that whatever Bush is for, his enemies are agin. Just don't call them reactionaries.

NRO's John Podhoretz asks, is Wesley Clark just not all that smart? I must ask John Podhoretz, what took you so long?

Captain Ed:
Durbin is speaking now, and he's making an impassioned address to give Iraq back to the Iraqis. He's doing a good job in delivering the speech, but he is avoiding the question of what happens when we leave. He argues on one hand that the Iraqis are in the middle of a "civil war", but then says that the Iraqis will suddenly unite to govern themselves when we leave. That implies that the only dispute in Iraq is the presence of American troops, a ludicrous suggestion.
In other words, Dick Durbin's stock in trade.

Mary Katherine Ham on the for and against.

Via LGF: CAIR Islamist weasel vs. Americans Against Hate's Joe Kaufman. No contest. The Islamist weasel is an Islamist weasel.

And Egypt too.

Variation on a theme: "There was no U.N. Security Council authorisation for Islamofascist forces to hit Somali areas." Oops...

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