Saturday, December 02, 2006



The truth about the Faking Imams is there for all to see at Pajamas Media, including the police report and the "Pauline" letter.

My Brother's Keepers, Part 62,974: Free Speech For Me, But Not For Thee

Via Power Line: The Claremont Institute features an article by Thomas Joscelyn on The New Know-Nothings, who hold the "realist" view that Iran is some kind of natural ally of the U.S. in the Middle East. Actually, these know-nothings aren't new; at the the core of "realism" is the same self-destructive madness from the same idiots that brought you the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Be Careful What You Ask For Dept.
When Israel launched its retaliatory war in Lebanon this summer, some in Lebanon shouted: "We are all Hizbullah."...On Friday, Syria and Iran will launch an attack on Lebanon.
Don't get up- we'll let ourselves in!
Lots more at Gateway Pundit

Also At Gateway Pundit:
Iraqi Government to AP, other pro-terror propaganda organs: The Jig Is Up.

Hell Freezes Over

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