Tuesday, December 12, 2006



Note to terrorist assholes, especially British terrorist assholes: If you are offended by the phrase "War on Terror", then quit being a terrorist, asshole.

Note to Kofi Annan: You presided over genocide in Darfur and Rwanda, sex-for-aid programs, prostitution and child pornography rings, and Oil-For-Food, the biggest fraud in history. You ran interference for Saddam against President Bush, and screwed the Israelis every chance you got, including celebrating Palestine Day with the "no-Israel" map.

So on this, the occasion of your long-anticipated retirement as Secretary-General of The United Nations, take your criticisms of the United States and shove them up your monumentally corrupt ass.

Apologies to the Captain for both my redundancy and my lack of decorum.

Note to feminists: it's time to celebrate the new laws in Pakistan reflecting the last few hundred years of Western thinking on the subject of rape. You may even want to write a column or two about that sometime, maybe after you're finished with that whole BDS hysteria thing.

Note to Arec Bardwin: Pussy Diplomacy is for F.A.G.s There's a better way.

Note to moonbats: it's healthy and instructive to look at an adult assessment of the history of torture by America against its enemies. There is no crying in baseball, nor in waging war.

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