Thursday, December 28, 2006
The End
Via Power Line, this gratifying story of John F'n Kerry's comeuppance. His latest trip to Iraq did not provide the photo-ops he needs for his next run at the White House (hardy-har).
I know many leftards who thought John F'n Kerry would have been so much better a President than Dubya. And, truth be told, if their aim was to insult, demoralize, exploit, reject and then ridicule America's men and women who volunteer to serve, Kerry would have been perfect. That's why John F'n Kerry, Who Fought In Vietnam, sits with a lone civilian in this photo in the midst of a hall full of America's finest, whose every back is turned to The Leftard's Hero.
Note to idiots: the people who protect your liberty love Bush and scorn Kerry. Not one of them met or sat with Senator Kerry, but 400 of them lined up to meet and shake hands with Bill o'Rielly, who was also present. These people know who is on their side and who isn't. So do idiots.
Lazy Slackers Shun Misunderstood Jokester
Dining Alone In Iraq
Schaudenfraude (Or John Kerry Visits Iraq)
Michelle Malkin: Mr. Lonely
Blackfive on Kerry
I’ve never seen a snubbing so richly deserved.
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops. What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
I know many leftards who thought John F'n Kerry would have been so much better a President than Dubya. And, truth be told, if their aim was to insult, demoralize, exploit, reject and then ridicule America's men and women who volunteer to serve, Kerry would have been perfect. That's why John F'n Kerry, Who Fought In Vietnam, sits with a lone civilian in this photo in the midst of a hall full of America's finest, whose every back is turned to The Leftard's Hero.
Note to idiots: the people who protect your liberty love Bush and scorn Kerry. Not one of them met or sat with Senator Kerry, but 400 of them lined up to meet and shake hands with Bill o'Rielly, who was also present. These people know who is on their side and who isn't. So do idiots.
Lazy Slackers Shun Misunderstood Jokester
Dining Alone In Iraq
Schaudenfraude (Or John Kerry Visits Iraq)
Michelle Malkin: Mr. Lonely
Blackfive on Kerry
I’ve never seen a snubbing so richly deserved.